Liquifi AMA series with BSCLAUNCH

Kingsley Bello
8 min readJul 5, 2021


BSCLAUNCH official logo

BSClaunch is a protocol built on the Binance Smart Chain, enabling projects to raise capital in a decentralized environment and the community to invest with peace of mind, freedom, and equal opportunity.

On the 16th of June 2021 we hosted the the team to learn more about the project's infrastructure and here's the recap below.

Hey everyone and welcome to yet another Liquifi AMA series with BSCLAUNCH and our guest today is @TobiBSCLaunch the head of marketing

Tobi BSClaunch:
Hi everyone

We are going to learn so much about the BSCLAUNCH infrastructure, the Twitter post for the questions got over 150 great questions I had to select the 10 but the others are cool just that we can’t take all

Are you ready to roll?

Tobi BSClaunch:
yes I am

let’s go


So let’s meet you Tobi

Kindly introduce yourself, experience and your role in the project as brief as possible

Tobi BSClaunch:
My name is Tobi. Currently I’m living in Singapore, and I have 4 years of experience in the blockchain industry. I started working with BSCLaunch project at the end of 2020 as the Head of Marketing.

At BSClaunch, our core team have experience in investing many projects, not only in the cryptocurrency market. our advisors, vcs, and strategic partners are also giants in this industry. therefore, surely we can bring the best investment opportunities to the investors.

Now we are taking questions from the Twitter post, 10 in all for this section

But first tell us briefly the what is BSCLAUNCH and the tokens usecases

Tobi BSClaunch:
BSCLaunch is a smart investment platform based on Binance Smart Chain, enabling projects to raise capital on a decentralized environment, and the community to invest with safety, freedom, and equal opportunity.

$BSL token is the glue connecting features of BSClaunch platform. The token can be used in multiple ways:
- For yield farm and stake rewards
- BSL holders will also get a higher chance to participate in upcoming IDOs
- For advanced functions in B-Tool.

Beautiful intro there

On the road map, I saw great features that will be added to your platform. When did you launch B-Tools and B-NFT ?? and can you mention the features of those features? What features are your flagship?

Tobi BSClaunch:
B — TOOL: B-Tool is an advanced AI system focusing on tracking addresses’ activities and predicting the behaviors of groups of investors. Analyzing and providing IDO participant demographic. No spammers, no bots, no clones. Fairness is guaranteed.

B — NFT — To offer solutions for nonfungible token creation and action while offering a wide range of hybrid-funding solutions for the project.

All B are flagships

We also have B — Launch, B — Insurance, B — Swap, B — Farm

Lovely answers there, thank you

One of the possibilities BSClaunch is bringing to the industry is that separate projects can be able to bundle themselves and launch together.howwill multiple projects be able to launch together on BSClaunch, and what is that maximum number of projects that can launchtogether

Tobi BSClaunch:
it is very simple

Any projects that wanted to be launch in our platform have to fill in application form and our team member will deeply analyze the projects

Then we will decide to work with the project and have it launched in our platform

To provide success IDO, we prepare carefully for IDO and we try not to run two IDO in the same day to avoid competition

How safe is the B-Insurance of BSC Launch for custodial assets? What are the USP s of BSC Insurace compared to others?

Tobi BSClaunch:
With B-Insurance, we use a strict custodial mechanism for the safety of your investment. The solution for liquidity issues is to lock part of the capital raised by projects in the liquidity pool to increase the liquidity while protecting the investors. It is market confidence, reflected in token value, that determines whether the raised funds return to the project or are permanently locked into the liquidity pool.
Using B — INSURANCE not only shows the project’s long-term vision, helping the project build trust from the community, but also helps investors eliminate doubts about the project’s integrity while increasing the liquidity pool for the market.
In other words, this is a strict custodial mechanism for the safety of your investment.

Wow, building community trust and eliminating investors doubt about project’s integrity is something I’m taking to the bank👍

Thanks for that elaborate answer Tobi!

Do you think you will consider redeploying BSCLAUNCH on ethereum chain if they solve the problem of scalability?

Tobi BSClaunch:
as of it right now, we are not decided yet

but in the future who knows?

if they solve the problem of scalability, we will consider it


Could you thoroughly illustrate the development of the BSCLaunch Wallet? What technology has been emlpoyed for its creation and how efficiently will it work on BSC Launch? How can you make sure it’ll have an user-friendly aspect?

Tobi BSClaunch:
easier to exchange all type of token within the eco system

faster payment, cross chain and easier to participate in IDO or another opportunity available in the market

it is going to be updated on Q4 2021

We still want it to be a secret so this is all we want to share

it is going to be huge

Stay tuned and follow us on social media for more update and news

- Website:
- Twitter:
- Telegram Official Channel:
- Telegram Community Chat:
- Medium:

Okay everyone please follow the socials thank you

We are in the half way of the first section, can you kindly shower the community with BSCLAUNCH stickers and gif’s before we round up the section

Okay beautiful one there

So let’s continue


The problem with launchpads is not the overall project itself but the coin price, as its literally ‘pump and dump’. A lot of similar platforms already suffered the same fate. How do you address this potential issue with the platform’s coin and its value in the mid- to long-term?

Tobi BSClaunch:
it is a headache issue for any project. It is not simple to solve this problem. However, our team worked hard and always searching for news way to maintain our platform. Pump and dump is a major part of launchpad. It is like life. It has up and down. But we believe in our project and it will grow strong

Honestly you are right!

B-Insurance looks a brilliant idea one, as I read into you white paper, project after the lock period can withdraw they amount only once they meet the Cretaria, other wise ALL FUNDS WILL BE LOCKED PERMANENTLY How BSCLAUNCH TEAM will use those funds.?

Tobi BSClaunch:
The token is locked permanently in the LP for the community to ensure the liquidity of the token. BSClaunch will not use those funds

“stamp of approval” for its potential, making it easier to sell IDO and become widely recognized in the community.

Can you tell us what’s that stamp of approval.? and it will be earned before IDO or AFTER IDO.?

Tobi BSClaunch:
As I mentioned before any project that want to be launch with us has to be looked at carefully by team to earn our trust. We want to provide community with top tier IDO. And for that reason, project has to earned stamp of approval before IDO, either it will not be launched on our platform

B-Insurance sounds very similar to DaoMaker’s Bond that they are implementing soon, as well as their current SHO offerings. Do you provide a different type of product or are you providing the same basic principal protection as DaoMaker?

Tobi BSClaunch:
Yes we based on DaoMaker. However, at BSCLaunch, we aim to create an ecosystem that help investors to invest smarter and profitable with high quality features. All feature is updated and developed to meet up with the need of the market

Thank you

Okay everyone get your questions ready for the next section

I notice that despite containing the best technology in incubators and security, they also have various risks, such as Impermanent Loss (IL), but does #BSClaunch really have any plan to correct these risks? Or really those risks will only depend on the use of the users?‌‌

Tobi BSClaunch:
investing always come with risks. We can help to protect anyone from bad investing. It is really depend on the users. However, at BSCLaunch we always try to bring the best experience for communities. We will do anything in our power to protect investors


Tobi BSClaunch:

We are done with this section and thanks to everyone that participated in the Twitter post and thanks to our guests

Tobi BSClaunch:

thanks everyone for wonderful answer

Now I’m going to open the chat for everyone to drop their questions and the speaker will pick 15 to answer.



Tobi BSClaunch:
- Website:
- Twitter:
- Telegram Official Channel:
- Telegram Community Chat:
- Medium:

How do you plan to spread awareness about your project in different countries where English is not good? Do you plan to develop many different communities such as Vietnam, Indonesia, Korea, … about your project so that they can easily communicate and understand your project?

Tobi BSClaunch:
BSClaunch is a global project, it serves for the benefits of all communities. Currently we are developing our ecosystem in both English-speaking and non-English speaking communities.
B-Launch was created with the desire to bring the community the best quality, safest, transparent and most potential projects. The BSCLaunch’s team will work directly with top VCs and advisors to select the best projects. After rigorous assessment of the potentials and risks of projects, if the project meets the standards and actually has the potential, BSCLaunch will allow the project to IDO on the B-Launch platform to be accessible to users easily. Thereby users can participate in buying IDO and make reviews about the project through B-Launch.
We also have a plan to reach out for non-crypto investors all around the world, to show them the potential of cryptos and blockchain, and the strength of the huge community.

Without an working products any idea has zero value. We see many projects are on paper only and no product. So, kindly ensure us that your project is just not an idea and it’s already has an working products or practical usecases?

Tobi BSClaunch:
check out our social media. we have success to launch IDO in our platform. They are Bullperks and Faraland. And there are more top tier IDO coming soon this month and next month- Website:
- Twitter:
- Telegram Official Channel:
- Telegram Community Chat:
- Medium:

Water Lily:
What is your projects long-term vision about the industry which you are working on? Are you afraid some day there will be another project with more innovative technology can replace your project?

Tobi BSClaunch:
It is a risk that we might face. who knows if some new projects has developed better technology and can replace our project. We have strong believe in our team and our project. We will make it the best in the market.

Okay thanks for the answers

We have come to the end of the AMA with BSCLAUNCH

@TobiBSCLaunch thanks for coming

And thanks everyone that joined 4.6K members thanks again


