Liquifi AMA Series: OpenBiSea AMA

Kingsley Bello
14 min readJun 15, 2021


We had a great time with Alex and Oksana the founder and COO of the project respectively, It was insightful and highly informative sections with so much to learn about how they aim to take NFT industry to the next level via their all in one marketplace. Here is the AMA summary.



Alright then, the AMA will be in 2 sections, the first is where I pick 10 questions from the tweet comment section for you to answer and the next section is freeask section with the community.

Are you guys ready to roll??


I will like to ask you to tell about yourself, a brief introduction will be nice

Alex Vinogradov:
Hey everyone,my name is Alex and I am a serial entrepreneur with 27 years experience and in crypto science 2014. Thank you for having me today. I would like to introduce NFT marketplace called OpenBiSea.

So what is Openbisea and why OBS token??

Alex Vinogradov:
OpenBiSea NFT marketplace is a smart contract, and iOS, Android and web UI app. It’s a simple, step-by-step guided solution to buy, sell and make auctions (smart contract based) for NFT. The main core smart contracts are built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and have an Ethereum bridge for NFT assets.
OBS token issues for all OpenBiSea platform players who will use the app and invest in OpenBiSea. 90% of issued tokens are placed on smart contract account. Each deal sides can claim part of community OBS tokens to their wallets. This is a way, how platform tokens distributed from project to key people, who create main value of OpenBiSea — active buyers and sellers.

OBS was builded based on YFI model ( which is now traded on top exchanges with $45k price. You can check or buy OBS there

Thanks for the answer, I see your product is available on iOS and Android that sounds like a lot of work has been put into the project:rocket::rocket::muscle:🏋

OBS to the moon :tada::rocket:

Alright let’s take questions from the comment section of the Twitter post. I hope you are ready?

Alex Vinogradov:
Yes :white_check_mark:


Question 1
Each project has interesting stories before it is created. So can you tell people about the story that gave you the motivation to build and develop a great project like yours?

Alex Vinogradov:
As far as I am the collectioner by myself and also create as an Artist several expetimental series of Artworks — I am deep in Art world, this is part of my life style. You can find NFTs of mine on OpenBiSea auctions…

One day we discuss with my friend, well known journalist the artworks of his dougter and just desided yo make an experimental drop the artworks in telegram. We have been suprised the great feedback, worm comments and great activity of the people! We have sold the set of 5 art works of the young Artist during 1 hour!!!! So, we have been inspired with thevresult and proceed with the NFT marketplace, bcs we don’t find a way to sell artworks later on BSC! All players are not allow to sell any NFT contracts, only own minted…

We are happy to give such a great chance for the Artists to present their works and create a secondary market! :white_check_mark:

Wow this an interesting to read story behind the project and it’s nice to learn that you are very knowledgeable in the art industry, it goes a long way to show that you are capable of running a project such as this.:muscle:

Question 2
Recently we’ve looked at a lot of projects that made great startups but suddenly abandoned because they weren’t getting enough revenue. How can we be sure that you will not leave even when your initial income is low?

Alex Vinogradov:
First of all we trust in our project and have developed very strong financial forecasts and scenarios (as well as pessimistic scenario). So we have clear understanding as for the any results (negative as well). In our team we have seasoned professionals and avisors in finance management, investment, fund rising etc. We have successfully relised 7 start ups and deeple worked on all the threats and weeknesses of previous projects. So, we are work hard and are not going to give up! :white_check_mark:

Querstion 3
What is your strongest advantage that you think will make your team leading the market? In contrast, what is your weakness? How do you plan to overcome it?

Alex Vinogradov:
Our strongest advantage is the greate pro

ffessional team and reputation based on our previous sucessfull projects. From one side we have 15+ yeas experience in ART world, our team nembers have been rewarded by European Authoritis for the development of Art in Europe, speccially.
Also we are very flexible and open to any challenges!!! We keep an eye on the latest trends and mainstream s and immediately implement best solutions and practice s for our platform

weeknesses — the NFT world is the new realty, still in the development process, there are a lot of legal questions are still open. We participate in discussions, conferences, etc. To find out best answers to our customers and always open to professional experise and audit. The satisfaction and success of all the participants of our marketplace is the priority!

Interesting facts about the strength. The weakness is not.much of a threat in my opinion. Thanks for the answer

Question 4
I have 2 questions,How are Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT)working with Digital Art? Are there any Downsides to NFT?

Alex Vinogradov:
NFT & Digital Art is a part of one game. NFT — this is the great opportunity for Digital Art Artists to present, promote and sell their works! NFT opens for Digital artists new audience and tools for PR, marketing and dirrct networking with the potential fans and collectioners.
But its not final point. Now artists can share content rights with movie producers and easy involve in movies rental revenue sharing. We are on a progress with top worldwide producers and labels now and I hope in few months we can announce it.

Thank you🏋🏋

Question 5
From where we can buy the token?? And also ,Please mention some of the key features which make this project more beneficial than other competitors in the market.

Alex Vinogradov:
You can buy OBS:
- on desktop version with metamask,
- inside mobile iOS version on testflight
- on pankcakeswap

The existing marketplaces are complicated or can not guarantee the ownership of your assets. With us you can start selling with ZERO FESS.
Most of our competitors have similar issues — difficulty and non-transparency.
A key buyers and sellers create a billion dollar valuation for competitors, but never receive a benefits from that hard work.
In additional, competitors don’t allow to sell own NFT, or NFT purchased from other platforms. They don’t care about liquidity for purchased NFT.

For Ethereum based projects also a fees issue like $50 per transaction freezes any second market for cheap NFTs, which is 99% of existed supply. :white_check_mark:

Thanks for the info!

Question 6

Alex Vinogradov:
strong characters = strong investor I hope 🙂

we really belive in great future for NFT market. It will open absolutely new great channels for the network ing, investment and positioning. We expect the enormous expanding of NFT market in nea future. This technology is the part of blockchain technology and give a lot of advantages for the customers! :white_check_mark:

Yes strong characters indeed:joy: thanks for the answer Alex!

Question 7
Do you have any plan to create other feature? Maybe yield farm, stake, or NFT project? Can you explain more detail?

Alex Vinogradov:
You can still stake and farm OBS with BNB — just add liquidity. There are like 70% APY now and growing. Just go and click add liquidity —

But later we may launch a staking NFT project. We have to understand a market first.


Question 8
So artist can deploy nft smart contract on the Openbisea platform and also auction in the marketplace as well. I need to understand how it works for example I want to convince #Beeple to use this platform.

Alex Vinogradov:
We are working on to creat unbeli

OBS tokensale | OpenBiSea

Install Metamask wallet in your browser, create your own wallet, connect your wallet to Binance Smart Chain, buy BNB for your wallet, last step — purchase OBS

evable NFT projects with well known digital artists and brand owners!!! Just follow our news and announcements! We will keep you informed!

We are working now on a great project with one of the
world well known digital artist, according to the rating of Electric Artefacts in the list of 15 innovative artists shaking up the digital art world.
His work spans conceptual architecture, sculpture and light installations. He is in one list with Beeple by the way)))). We always choose the great and worldwide known experts and advisors and influencers to support and promote our projects.
As an example one of our advisors

Edward Khodorkovsky is the owner of m+a global architects, inc. and a famous collector of world avant-garde art. Edward is a patron, a lecturer on contemporary architecture and avantgarde art at leading universities in the US and Europe.
As we have mentioned before, Art is our lifestyle and we have more than 15+ years experience in Art and Gallery business :white_check_mark:

Question 9
What is the security of your platform have you done any internal audit or testing as of now and when you plan to go for an external audit?

Alex Vinogradov:
Good question! Instead of a lot of project, which copy existed code and not care security, we are done audit upfront. And it was in a two stages:
1. review all code during development and tests with audit specialists
2. final security audit review

You can take look a results here:

I’m impressed and I’m sure the community is as well:rocket::tada::muscle:

Hey everyone, get your questions ready as we got the last question to end this section plus we will open the chat for one.minute but on a slow mode kindly bear with us.

@cfc_support are you ready for the last question?

Question 10
Can you list 1–3 killer features of Your Project that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your platform has that you feel most confident about?

Alex Vinogradov:
1st — it is community owned. 90% of tokens are on smart contract and ready to claim for buyers and sellers. When u sell on other platforms, you increase their valuation. When you sell on OpenBiSea — you increase your own valuation
2nd — easy step-by-step mobile apps for non-crypto users. We like to remove a hell, which stop now massive sales
3rd — bridge from Ethereum to trade assest from there with cheap fees

And one more …. we allow to trade ANY NFTs with no limits.

Thanks so much for the answers you have provided for this section.

Now it’s time for the 2nd section where the questions will be freely asked and you and your partner can pick 15 to provide answers for

Chat is opening now!!

Section 2

Now the floor is yours our guests speaker, please take your time to select the questions you will provide answers for.


Alex Vinogradov:

Too many projects promise magic but never release any working product or prove any revenue, Within a short/long time of release. Is your project also like this? If not can u tell us, what makes your project different from projects ?

Alex: raeplies
You can go to our web site, mint NFT and sell it. Or buy it.
You can also install app and check how it works.
We are not promise, we was done a lot upfront of start project PR

The overwhelming number of failed projects, or projects that are fraudulent, have several key characteristics: There is no active communication with the community and anonymous developers. Is your project able to overcome this?

Oksan Fanya: replies
Thank you for the question! One of our goals is to develop and support our community. We are strongly belive that close communication eith our community will assist to generate new ideas and improve our NFT marketplace!
OBS token issues for all OpenBiSea platform players who will use the app and invest in OpenBiSea. 90% of issued tokens are placed on smart contract account. Each deal sides can claim part of community OBS tokens to

Callisto Network

Open Bi Sea Security Audit | Callisto Network

Open Bi Sea smart contract security audit by Callisto Network.

their wallets. This is a way, how platform tokens distributed from project to key people, who create main value of OpenBiSea — active buyers and sellers.

Can you indicate a feature that you like best about the platform so that it can compete with other competitors? What are you most confident about for your platform? Do you have plans to get users to choose your platform..?

Oksana Fanya: Replies
Thank you for the question:
The existing marketplaces are complicated or can not guarantee the ownership of your assets. With us you can start selling with ZERO FESS.

What are the top priorities of your project in 2021? Could you share some of your plans for the coming year? Which part of the project are you most focused on right now?

Oksana Fanya Replies;
Thank you for the question:
We have greate crucial projects to be announced soon with world leading Brand holders and well know Digital Artists.
We have collaboration with international galleries to support our Artistist with live exhibition s as well.
As an example:

Galerie Les Noms, Hong Kong
The artistic collection of the Galerie Les Noms is a panorama of the contemporary Ukranian art. Painters, different in painting styles and techniques, create its cultural and natural phenomena. All pieces of art comply with the highest artistic criteria.

Is there a community of Openbisea where we can interact with other users of the platform and discuss about NFT’s ?

Oksana Fanya Replies:

🦋What is OpenBiSea?

OpenBiSea NFT marketplace is a smart contract, and iOS, Android and web UI app. It’s a simple, step-by-step guided solution to buy, sell and make auctions (smart contract based) for NFT. The main core smart contracts are built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and have an Ethereum bridge for NFT assets.


:full_moon:Name : OpenBiSea
:full_moon:Symbol : $OBS
:full_moon:Token Blockchain : BEP-20
:full_moon:Total supply : 88,888

Smart Contract:closed_lock_with_key:

Pancakeswap BUY :money_with_wings::moneybag:

Coinmarketcap Cap

Chart Bogged:chart:

Poocoin Chart

Locked LP :closed_lock_with_key:

Token Sale Details

:recycle: Official Links :recycle:





White paper

Contact email:

NFT discussion @openbisea_en

Trading discussion @openbisea_eng

Russian Community @openbisea_ru

I want to have a LONG TERM INVESTMENT with this PROJECT, but I’m in doubts right now, how can you convince and assure me this project is SAFE and PROFITABLE?

Oksana Fanya Replies:
Good question! Instead of a lot of project, which copy existed code and not care security, we are done audit upfront. And it was in a two stages:
1. review all code during development and tests with audit specialists
2. final security audit review

You can take look a results here:

Is this your project only for elite investors, how about others with small funds, is it open to everyone?

Oksana Fanya Replies:
OpenBiSea are opened for everybody to list and start marketing for NFT

Tell us about the partnership and short / long term technical milestones you want to talk about or get some attention ?Are you afraid that one day there will be another project with more innovative technology that can replace your projects?

Oksana Fanya Replies:
Thank you for the question
Q4(2). Competition is the perfect tool to improve and find smart and unexpected solutions for any project. We

Binance (BNB) Blockchain Explorer

Contract Address 0x490DbA6180b089d8E36eBb1E56a33F1aE9B96b87 | BscScan

thoroughly investigated all the exciting challenge s and problems of our competitors. Our killer feacher — first of all simplicity of the platform for users and customers. In 2 clicks you can mint your NFT and enjoy the auction. Detailed step-by step instructions will allow the newcomer to pass through all the necessary steps.
2nd — Vaiety of choices for payments are available. You can pay just by using your credit card.
3rd very important advantage — No entry commision for the participants. We just take 5% commision for the deal.
And we are available 24/7–365 days to answer any your questions and support you.

Partnership is one of important thing if a project want grow and spread fast. Which project already doing partnership with your project?

Oksana Fanya replies
Thanks for the question. We are ipen for partner ship& collaboration.
Ongoing projects:

world well known digital artist, according to the rating of Electric Artefacts in the list of 15 innovative artists shaking up the digital art world.
His work spans conceptual architecture, sculpture and light installations.

Edward Khodorkovsky is the owner of m+a global architects, inc. and a famous collector of world avant-garde art. Edward is a patron, a lecturer on contemporary architecture and avantgarde art at leading universities in the US and Europe.

Does your project support staking program?if yes. how is your stake system work, what is the requirement for user if they want to stake in your platform?

Oksan Fanya replies
You can still stake and farm OBS with BNB — just add liquidity. There are like 70% APY now and growing. Just go and click add liquidity —

But later we may launch a staking NFT project. We have to understand a market first.

Can you indicate a feature that you like best about the platform so that it can compete with other competitors? What are you most confident about for your platform? Do you have plans to get users to choose your platform..?

Oksana Fanya replies
The existing marketplaces are complicated or can not guarantee the ownership of your assets. With us you can start selling with ZERO FESS.

If i am a digital artist, how can i contribute to your project? Shall i need to complete any kyc process in your application to buy/sell nfts?

oksana fanya:
OpenBiSea are opened for everybody to list and start marketing for NFT. Just vontact us

Great question!!!! Our ficus — your list!!!!

★★We all know that the Ethereum Network has many problems: scalability issues, high gas fees, slow speeds, and many more. So,
Why did you choose to build your token on ERC-20 blockchain ecosystem? Why not build it on some scalable blockchain instead as Ethereum?

oksana fanya:
OpenBiSea is a bridge between Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain

Deployed in Ethereum blockchain bridge smart contract hold Ethereum-based asset and mint the same on Binance smart chain and vise versa. Asset can be a ERC20 token, ERC721,1155 NFT. NTF assets flow is transparent, all processing is automated and results stored in the blockchain. This is a way to trade NFT without high Ethereum fees but with the same ownership value on Ethereum.

What are the key milestones on Openbisea’s roadmap — both things Openbisea have already achieved and things that we can look forward to? Any partnerships and short/long term technical milestones that Openbisea want to talk about or bring some attention to?

Oksana Fanya replies:
The existing marketplaces are complicated or can not guarantee the ownership of your assets. With us you can start selling with ZERO FESS.Simple, step-by-step guided solution to buy NFT, sell auction-based purchased NFT and receive simple, investor’s friendly reports. You can set price in USD or BNB and we didn’t required to buy OBS token to sell or buy. You can buy with credit card even.

Thanks for the answers, I must confess this has been an awesome AMA and thanks to everyone that attended (over 5K) and thanks to

everyone that participated. Congratulations to the winners, the team will distribute the rewards to you all.

This is the end of today’s AMA thanks again our guests @Fanya2008 and @cfc_support wishing your team the best in your project’s journey to mainstream :tada:🏋🏋♀

