Liquifi AMA Series: An exciting AMA with MUTTZ

Kingsley Bello
14 min readJun 15, 2021



Hey everyone! Last week we hosted the core team of MUTTZ and it was 2 exciting sections with so much information drawing attentions to the love and care for Mutts as a special breeds of dogs and MUTTZ as a Meme token and charity attached to the project. Here’s the summary of the AMA. Enjoy!

Hello everyone, it’s a pleasure to welcome you to today’s edition of our AMA series with the one and only $MUTTZ project and the core team members @CyptoMutt and @KongMan

Shane (Will Not DM You First):
Ready to go

Nice to be here

Welcome on board guys

Super excited to be here!

Without any further delays we will go straight to the Twitter post and fetch questions asked by the community for this section

Are you guys ready to roll?

Us muttz are born ready friend! Lol

Okay nice to know

Shane (Will Not DM You First):
Ready here

But I need to quickly learn something before we jump into that real quick

Why is MUTTZ so special compared to pure breeds of dogs?

Shane (Will Not DM You First):
Muttz is special as it isn’t just another copycat. Anyone and everyone is making an INU coin these days. That takes very little talent. We are trying to break the cycle and show everyone you don’t have to be a purebred inu to stand out in this game. Also we greatly reward our community every single day. People are rewarded for just being awesome.



It truly is incredible. While we love all dogs, it’s the muttz that often get over looked. It’s these dogs that unfortunately end up in kill shelters. And we want to save them. That’s our goal on the charity side.

Nice, there are charity related questions in the feed. Thanks

Question 1.

The main goal of this AMA to convince community to join your project and hold your token.
Farming/Staking is very impressed, but beside of farming, staking, NTFs and games Please tell me 3 reason why I as investor should invest in this project and hold for long term?

Shane (Will Not DM You First):
One major reason is the community incentive for just remaining active. We incentivize content creation and social media efforts. We have literally given away somewhere around 15bil muttz tokens since launch just for participating in the community.
You could drop a tweet, a meme, or some artwork in the group and be rewarded.
We use all of the marketing/charity funds to give back to our causes and our community.
Another good reason is to support our charity efforts. We want to make donations to no kill animal shelters and ensure muttz globally are taken care of.
It’s just a great community of great mutts trying to achieve like minded goals. Also top holders will have just as much pull as leadership when it comes to making big decisions.

Wow good reasons to HODL $MUTTZ

Question 2.
Reading your website I found that one of the goals of MUTTZ is to make donations to animal shelters. Where exactly does this beautiful initiative come from? How much exactly will you donate to these institutions that help animals?

Shane (Will Not DM You First):
Yes that is one of our main goals. We are currently in the networking partnership stages as we are only 5 days old. The way our marketing/charity wallet is set up though with good volume it would be hard to put a number on the amount donated as it could be an insane amount as we get moving.

We would love to set up partnerships with major dog/animal charities as well. That will come in due time once we grow as Shane said we are only five days old. As much fun as we do have we are very serious about our mission to save as many dogs as we can. When we grow big enough I will be opening a sanctuary for dogs called MUTTZ and your all invited!

Question 3
Can you tell us when and how muttz will have its audit, as it’s one of the most important factor to gain user’s trust

Shane (Will Not DM You First):

We will be getting the audit situated very soon still 5 days old already applied for cg and cmc audit will be our very next step as we want this accomplished to more solidify our community trust

And I’m sure everyone knows audits take time especially with current volume of new coins in the market


Shane (Will Not DM You First):

Thank for that answer

Question 4
Could you EXPLAIN how you will manage to MAINTAIN


Shane (Will Not DM You First):
Our project has an a 3% Tax in the structure that goes directly to the liquidity pool. And on top of that our liquidity is permenately locked. It can’t be unlocked ever because I sent the LP tokens to the burn wallet so there will never be any way for us to pull liquidity ever.

Question 5
What is your strategy for building a strong community? Do you agree that the power of the community will lead your project to develop globally? What services do you provide to the community?

Shane (Will Not DM You First):
We have a community that wants to be in our group as we incentivise activity. We have had some speed bumps along the way but our community is still growing despite being in a consolidations. I have never seen a more active community during the lows like this. Our main goal was to prevent silence when charts are down and I think we are accomplishing that very well. Our community is always going crazy weather the charts or up or down

Absolutely. A strong community is the most important aspect of any new project. And our community is fantastic. Like Shane mentioned earlier we are always looking to reward our community with giveaways. We have given away over 17 billion free muttz so far. At our ATH one billion muttz was worth 4k usd! You will not find a project that is more invested in their community. We have daily giveaways which really engages our community and we love every single one of our members. Plus these muttz can meme! Our memes are amazing. We are always laughing and having a great time in our chat.

Shane (Will Not DM You First):

Interesting stuff about the community you MUTTZ is building!!!

My entry video :fire::raised_hands::gem:

Question 6
In your Roudmap in Q4 you mentioned “Exchange Listing” will you be listing on Exchange DEX or CEX? can you share with us when on which exchange $MUTTZ will be listed??

That’s a great question. So we are looking to grow the brand before we get into more listings. And our organic growth has been incredible so far. Once we really take this project to the next level we will be applying for listings. So please stay tuned. Big things are coming. Our goal will always be to grow our great community. With that growth comes new listings. So when we get to that next level then we will apply for the exchanges that makes sense and will continue to further our growth


Lovely, quite interesting to know

And just to add to the question earlier. The audit will be applied for and completed soon. The process takes a little more time these days as Shane said there are so many new coins hitting the market


Okay thanks for throwing more lights on that one

Next question now

Question 7
I’m curious about the team’s record. I think it is important to invest on a project who has a reliable workers. Do the team already worked on something related to crypto industry?

You guys have some great questions I got to say. I love this one. Yes I 100 percent agree when you invest in a project your investing in the people involved and the community. Our team is experienced in this industry and have all come together with muttz because it’s something we truly all believe in. Shane and myself have been involved in many projects as investors initially but always ended up being asked to be admin due to our passion and work ethic. When you invest in muttz you are investing in us. And we appreciate it and value it so much. Which is why we love our great community and will always have their best interests at heart!


Our admin team covers the entire globe. We have admins from every region. And we all love this project and are truly dedicated to our community. We even launched a telegram channel for muttz India with our wonderful mod sehaj running the show.

Question 8
Great project, I read your idea carefully. I do not understand only one thing, how can I earn money from your project?


So besides investing in our project and watching your investment grow, we are constantly giving away free muttz which will have a ton of value. We do giveaway everyday. We are also doing an airdrop contest right now where for every purchase of muttz worth 1–3 BNB three random wallets will have their purchase matched in muttz. Basically a buy one get one free! We feel that by doing these awesome giveaways the community becomes more engaged and loyalty to muttz increases. We our so loyal and thankful to our community and it is a true reward for us to see how much our community loves the project



Question 9
In your tokenomics,I noticed that you will burn half supply of $MUTTZ token in your platform. So can you tell us why you need to burn half of the supply of $MUTTZ? What impacts that this burning strategy will bring to your platform especially to the price of $MUTTZ in the market?


Shane (Will Not DM You First):
The burn Is a way of showing the community that we are willing to make burns to increase the scarcity over time and increase the value. This was our initial burn and I’m sure there will be more burns to come over time. When we no longer have need for a marketing wallet anymore and this project markets its self there is no reason we can’t do burns from time to time to further increase the scarcity and raise the value of the token for the holders.

Just want to say fantastic questions thus far from you guys!

Shane (Will Not DM You First):

Okay everyone get ready with your questions, we have just one last one to end this section then we proceed to opening the chat for minute so that you can comment your questions

Are you ready for your last question @CyptoMutt and @KongMan ?

Of course!

Okay let’s go!

Question 10
Can you list 1–3 killer features of Your Project that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your platform has that you feel most confident about?

We feel that we giveaway more free rewards then any other project on the market. We reward our community everyday for their loyalty. Like we said. Over 17 billion free muttz in five days. At our ATH that was worth approx 68 thousand usd! Besides that we are truly committed to saving dogs from kill shelters- dogs that would have never had a chance otherwise. There are so many innocent dogs out there that need help. And we’re going to give it to them. We are extremely excited to announce some partnerships in the near future to save these wonderful animals. We ask that you join us! When you invest in muttz you are truly making a difference. Give us and these dogs a chance and we will not let you down!



Love you guys by the way. We hope that you all come and join us and together we grow! We love our muttz and would love to have you all join us.

Okay guys tbh I’m having a great time with the MUTTZ project and I’m sure everyone feels the same way.

We have come to the end of the first section where we drew 10 questions from the Twitter post, everyone that had the questions answered has a share of the $250 reward pool.

Love this!

I will open the chat now for a minute for everyone to comment their questions

Hop over to the muttz chat after this and see what we’re all about!


Okay everyone let’s start with the second section

Get your questions ready

Section 2 begins
…..and over 3k questions poured in
Wow so many questions!
Please @CyptoMutt and @KongMan take your time to select the best 15 questions to provide answers for.

You have all the time, the floor is yours now🏋🏋

Thank you for your great question! And I would love to answer them all if I could but that would take all day! We truly value each and everyone of you for giving us the time today to learn about our project. We will sort through these questions and try to answer as many as we can.

How do you plan to spread awareness about your project in country where English is not spoken ,

do you have local communitiy for them to make them better understand about project?

Shane: reply
Like we said before we are all about community. Currently we have a group for the Indian community. We are looking into getting other communities going for other regions as well

Currently, NFT is very hot, do you think you will apply NFT technology to your products in the future?

Kong Man: replies
Yes great question. We are absolutely applying NFTs to our project. And we will ask our community to get involved. We have some of the best artists in this industry that I’ve ever seen. We will begin auctioning NFTs in the near future where 80 percent of proceeds will go to charity and 20 percent will go to the artist.

Can you talk about the future plan of $MUTTZ ? and How can I contribute to the development of $MUTTZ ?

Kong Man: Replies
Yes. As we discussed earlier our future is bright and we are looking to keep our getting bigger and stronger. We love adding new community members. And we will always take jnto account the community’s input on all major decisions. We are always looking for new people to join our team as well. As we grow we will need good strong leaders to help further the development of our project.

How important is the community to you? and how can we collaborate or help you for the development of the project??

Shane: Replies
Community is our number 1 priority. In defi you are only as strong as your community. If you generate content or bring value to the project there is always a reward. :)

Southeast Asia is a very vibrant market and many project developed here so with your project what do you think about Southeast Asia and do you have any plan to develop here??

Kong Man: Replies
Totally agree! Asia is a booming and vibrant market. We are always looking to grow our brand across the globe and are strategically looking to get stronger in many regions. This is why our admin team reflects the diversity in which our community reflects. It is truly amazing how small of a world we live in and how we can all connect and make new friends no matter where we are from

How many rewards campaigns could $MUTTZ run in the near future? Do you want to attract more users to your ecosystem?

Kong Man: replies
We are running daily rewards everyday. Daily giveaways for our community. Everyone is eligible and we love rewarding our members for their awesome input and content. Come check us out and see for yourself!

What is the biggest challenge you face currently in terms of becoming a successful project or company?

Shane: Replies
Biggest challenge is overcoming fud. We had a redflag on launch saying liquidity was unlocked on dext and poocoin. That however is incorrect and has since been resolved. If you go to or page I have the link pinned that shows all lp tokens have been burned.

What is the biggest challenge you face currently in terms of becoming a successful project or company?

This is a good question. The biggest challenge is the influx of so many new projects and separating yourself from the pack. We believe that we offer something that no one else does. Not only our community, but our commitment to charity and saving dogs from kill shelters. While many projects are short term. We believe that this is a long term project and we will be here for a very long time

Haha Shane we answered the same question I love it. Just shows you how good of a question it is! Almost 3k questions and we picked the same one!

What are the chances!

This is epic :muscle::tada:

How do you plan to spread awareness about your project in country where English is not spoken , do you have local communitiy for them to make them better understand about project?

Kong Man: Replies
As we said, we have an admin team that covers almost all regions. We just launched out telegram for India yesterday. We are looking to launch more for many regions. We are always looking for new team members that reflect the incredible diversity of our community

What are your plans on GLOBAL adoption? Which country is presently focused on ??

Kong Man: Replies
We are currently focused on growing on a global level as a whole right now. We wouldn’t want to single out one community at this risk of isolating another. We truly believe we are a global project and eventually will get to the point where people from everywhere on earth will be involved

@starshades007 :diamonds::diamonds:
Many Project talks only about their Strenghts, Can You talk about the weak point that You project is Currently Dealing With?

Kong Man: Replies
I love a good question like this. Many people would be scared to answer this but kong man fears nothing! I would say we had an incredible launch. The most amazing ive ever seen. Unfortunately we have seen a consolidation since then but we have never been more optimistic. We are now creating strong growth by investing our great community and without a doubt feel that we will get back to ATH and blow right past it

Your changes are commendable, how can you survive the bear market and keep building and growing as many projects have died this time around?

Shane: Replies
We incentivise the community. Even at our lows the community maintains positivity. That is our ultimate goal

Only getting users, holders etc is not everything. In my opinion, a project needs to deal with solving a real world issue or problem What is the problem that your project primarily focuses on??

Kong Man:
Our real world problem is the amount of dogs in kill shelters right now. These dogs are many times not given a chance. They are given up on and abandoned. Our goal is to fix that. We will save as many as we can with the end goal of saving them all!

Join our telegram for any more questions and take a look at all our daily giveaways! We truly appreciate you guys giving us the time today. It was incredible. Remember when you invest in us you in invest in our great cause and community. We will not let you down!

Shane (Will Not DM You First):
I think we about covered the question Section

Also make sure to hop Into the telegram for a chance at winning some daily muttz

Thank you guys for those really informative and insightful responses

Done answering?

Shane (Will Not DM You First):
Yes I think that should cover it

Yes thank you!

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